1 July
1 July is the anniversary of when Hong Kong returned to China. While many places celebrate their national holidays we can not help but wonder why Hong Kong has turned its attention to national security and has seemed to have forgotten about the economic needs of its people.
For the past few years thousands of police have been added to the streets on this day in order to justify some idea that there are threats towards national security. We believe that a place that puts God first would be a better idea then police arresting everyone based on some perceived threats.
But Hong Kong government forgets about God and only looks towards themselves and China. This is a sad state of affairs. For if they put God first then all other things will fall into place. But without God they continue to put fear into its citizens and wonder why nothing works.
“In these days, however, We have to draw attention to the fact that the Church in your lands in recent years has been brought to still worse straits. In the midst of so many great sorrows it brings Us great comfort to note that in the daily attacks which you have met neither unflinching faith nor the most ardent love of the Divine Redeemer and of His Church has been wanting. You have borne witness to this faith and love in innumerable ways, of which only a small part is known to men, but for all of which you will someday receive an eternal reward from God.
Nevertheless We regard it as Our duty to declare openly, with a heart filled to its depths with sorrow and anxiety, that affairs in China are, by deceit and cunning endeavor, changing so much for the worse that the false doctrine already condemned by Us seems to be approaching its final stages and to be causing its most serious damage.”
Our Lady of China, pray for us.