Religion for individuals?

October 30, 2019 by No Comments

On a forum we are on someone wrote:

Religion may indeed be important for an individual but for the well being of society religion offers little but conformity and confrontation.
Fear and superstition cannot advance humankind.

First, it was sad anyone would write this but most people will tell you that religion is bad and the sooner it is gone the better mankind will be.

The second point is that if this person only realized what they said then perhaps they would have seen religion in a different light.

If religion is important for an individual then it also must be good for society. Why? Because individuals make up society. Therefore, what is good for an individual must be good for society. Things such as law and order are good for individuals and therefore are good for society are just some examples.

Religion is indeed good for society. For religion gives a person a sense of duty and a promise of a reward (or punishment) for however they behaved while still alive. Without religion, there would be little reason why a person should behave well because there would be no reason to behave well.

Thus, the person who wrote the above statement must have a greater faith in science than in God. We do not know this person but wonder why they obey human laws if they know they will not be caught doing something bad. After all, if there is no punishment after one is dead then why obey laws when you are living?