All Saint’s/Soul’s Day
The first two days of November are dedicated to all the souls that are or will be in Heaven. Why are they important for those who are here on Earth?
All Saint’s Day is to honor all those who are in Heaven right now. Because there are more in Heaven than on the Church calendar it is important that we honor all of them. Yes, we don’t know who all of them are but is that important? We think not. It is important to honor all of them and pray that they will help us not only in this life but upon our death as well.
All Soul’s Day is for those who are in Purgatory. Those who are there can not help themselves and need our help so that they may be released soon. For our prayers do indeed help them to be released sooner than what they expected upon their Judgment time.
Why pray for the souls in Purgatory? Besides helping them out they will also be our witness when we die and are called to our own Judgment. The souls we help will plead on our behalf that we loved them so much that we helped them to end their sufferings in Purgatory and they wish to return the favor to us.
The more souls that we pray and can be released from their sufferings in Purgatory the more we will have to plead to God on our behalf. Perhaps this will be enough to turn the wrath of God against us and save us from eternal damnation.