
February 22, 2020 by No Comments

This is a theme we seem to be returning to once in a while. You would think people would learn but they never seem to. Thus, the lesson must be retaught many times.

It was recently announced that several Hong Kong police officers are infected with the coronavirus. This is not good for neither them nor their families.

However, protesters took to the streets and celebrated this news. This is sad. Neither seems to have compassion for the other side. Life, for those infected police officers, hang in the balance and yet protesters seem to enjoy this sad news and we suppose hope that the police will die.

We think if the protesters were infected they would want compassion. But do they deserve any if they have no compassion towards their fellow citizens?

Christ showed compassion towards His enemies. If the people of Hong Kong can not do the same then perhaps they are truly lost in both morals and compassion.