Holy Thursday

April 9, 2020 by No Comments

Holy Thursday is best known to the world as the Last Supper. It is also less known for what happened there. It was the institution of the priesthood.

Many religions, and others, would cast doubt upon this because they would say that nothing important happened during the meal. But it did and Christ did it. Do you doubt that?

Christ changed the bread and wine into His body and blood and then said “Do this in remembrance of me.” Only a priest had the power to do this. The vast majority of people no matter how hard they try could never do what a priest could do.

But people will say that the changing of bread and wine was just a figure of speech and Christ never did it. First, do people put limits on God? To put limits on God is to make Him less than who He is.

Second, they say that it was just a figure of speech. When Christ used figures of speech the Bible would either say so or show that Christ said something like “Heaven is like…” or “This is like..” and so forth. Christ never used anything like that nor did the Bible writes say it was a figure of speech. Christ said, “This is..” and are we to doubt Him?

Lastly, just about everyone believes that Christ turned water into wine. If He could do that then couldn’t He change bread and wine? If not, then is He really God?