Holy Saturday
This day is usually passed over as a “nothing really happened here” day. This is far from the truth for many things happened here.
First, it is perhaps the most saddest day in the Church calendar. It is a day where there is no Mass said and the Church wears black that day. To have no Mass is very significant because Our Lord commanded the Church to sacrifice in remembrance of Him.
Next, the Church spiritual watches and waits at the tomb of Christ. He said He would rise again and we want to be one of the first ones to see Him. For if He did not rise than our faith is indeed in vain.
Last, we have great hope. Not only for Christ who showed that He is indeed God and thus the power over death. But we also have hope in the Resurrection and the world to come.
While there are no holidays honoring this day we must keep it within our hearts to do so. For ignoring this day tends to lessen the link between Good Friday and Easter. We can not lessen that link for any reasons.