Feast of Corpus Christi
This Day of Obligation celebrates the body of Christ. It is celebrated on the Thursday of the Feast of the Holy Trinity.
Many people do not believe that Christ changed bread into His body. They think it was just a metaphor or something. He really didn’t mean what He said. But He did.
Those who doubt the changing of bread and wine into Christ’s body and blood do not doubt the changing of wine into water at the wedding feast.
From the wedding feast to the Last Supper Christ did speak in parables or metaphors or other figure of speech. But you knew He did so when it was written something like “Heaven is like…” or “And He spoke this parable..” or other ways of trying to explain whatever He wanted the people to know.
Yet, at the Last Supper He said, “This is My Body” and “This is My Blood.” How can we deny something when He said “This is…”?