Is there no compassion in Hong Kong? There is some but one will have to really look to find it. For on the surface there seems to be none but hatred for their fellow man.
Since the protests lines have been drawn of a us vs. them approach. Both sides seem not to like each other and cheer when bad things happen to the opposite side.
This is still true during the current health crisis. Police have gone into several pro-protesters businesses and demanded to check to see if everyone was obey the current government laws about social distancing. They don’t seem to be interested in going into pro-government places.
The protesters still hate the police. This is evident when earlier this week it was announced that several officers have been tested positive for Covid-19. The protesters cheered. We supposed that some of them wished that the police and their families would die.
We supposed this is true because of protester’s behavior in the past.
When someone is infected with a illness one shouldn’t cheer them to death. They need to show compassion for those people as Christ showed compassion for His enemies. To show no compassion is to show that hate is stronger than love and that they believe there is no truth.
What a sad place the world is becoming especially in Hong Kong.